Dirty Thirty: heavily trafficked wildlife for U.S. Saltwater Aquariums
The “Dirty Thirty” list represents the most heavily trafficked wildlife for display in personal saltwater aquariums in the U.S.
Green Chromis
Blue Damsel
Three Spot Domino Damsel
Yellow Tang
Three Stripe Damsel
Yellowtail Damsel
Four Stripe Damsel
Azure Damsel
Banggai Cardinalfish
Blue Mandarinfish
Blue Hippo Dory Tang
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
Maroon Clownfish
Tomato Clownfish
Pajama Cardinal
Bicolor Angel
Lawnmower Blenny
Copperband Butterfly
Blue Girdled Angelfish
Regal Angelfish_By H. Zell – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Emperor Angelfish
Spotted Mandarinfish
Forcepsfish, Longnose Butterflyfish
Adapted from Rhyne et al (2012). Revealing the Appetite of the Marine Aquarium Fish Trade: The Volume and Biodiversity of Fish Imported into the United States, and other aquarium trade sources.