Reef Protection

Fishermen who use this destructive fishing practice do it by mixing cyanide tablets with seawater in squirt bottles. The highly concentrated solution is sprayed around the corals and where fish seek shelter. The stunned fish stop swimming and sink, which makes them easier to scoop up. Many of the cyanide-exposed fish die on the reef. 80% of those captured with cyanide die within 6 weeks of exposure, often as newly purchased fish for personal aquariums.
Over 50% of wild-caught aquarium fish purchased from U.S. wholesalers and retailers tested positive to exposure to cyanide.
Tropical fish are stewards of the reef. They help keep coral reef ecosystems healthy and in balance. By removing these fish, coral reefs get out of balance and become more susceptible to stress from warming oceans, bleaching, and ocean acidification. Keeping fish on the reef is essential for healthy and resilient coral reef ecosystems.
Cyanide fishing destroys coral reefs and their wildlife.