Why Do Aquariums Put Reefs and Wildlife at Risk?
Nearly all the animals housed in saltwater tanks began their lives on coral reefs thousands of miles away. As of late 2021, only about 50 of the 2,000+ reef fish species kept in saltwater aquariums were bred in captivity at a commercial scale and suitable for the hobby. The Good Fish list is comprised of those species. Tank Watch also exposes the 50 species sold in large numbers by the marine aquarium trade that are wild-caught and cannot yet be captive-bred.
Consumer demand drives the annual capture of tens of millions of wild reef fishes and other creatures. Most of this fragile wildlife quickly succumbs to the stressors of capture, handling, transport and captivity. For each one surviving the journey from reef to tank, up to nine others likely die along the way.
Corals are destroyed and wildlife suffers and dies from poisonous cyanide illegally used in the capture of millions of fish. Reefs lose their resilience from depletion of animals key to ecosystem health and balance.
Successful breeding of many highly sought-after species is still years (and possibly decades) away, making the identification process simple for conscientious aquarists and coral reef champions:
Become a Coral Reef Champion
Fishes bred in captivity typically fare better within the small confines and artificial diets inherent in saltwater fishkeeping. Dozens of captive bred species are now available for saltwater tanks.
Make a difference by pledging to protect wildlife and reefs:
- Discourage the keeping of wildlife in saltwater tanks
- Urge consumers and businesses to only keep captive bred animals in their tanks; or better yet, switch to a virtual reef display with an UNtanked system, available at www.UNtanked.com
If it’s not on the
Good Fish list,
it’s a Bad Fish.
Just like you, conscientious people across the U.S. and around the world want to ensure saltwater aquariums do no harm to coral reefs and wildlife. You can increase your positive impact with a donation to help us expand our reach.